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R-Word Campaign

​"Spread The Word To End The Word"


The R-Word Campaign is a campaign that has been going on for years now and has been taken on by many different organizations. But now it is our turn to support all these children with a mentally challenged condition. 

Our organization helps by making all the NPLY branches in high schools around the United States host a R-Word Campaign Assembly we also sell teenager designed shirts with the quote "Spread The Word To End The Word"

The R-Word is the word retard(ed). Why does it hurt? The R-Word hurts because it is exclusive. It is offensive. It is derogatory. The R-Word is hate speech. 

It is time we Spread the Word to End the Word- and build awareness for society to stop and think about it's use of the R-Word. That R-Word is something hurtful and painful- "retard" or "retarded." Most people don't think of this word as hate speech, but that's exactly what it feels like to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and friends. The R-Word is just as cruel and offensive as any other slur. 

Visit to make your pledge today for "NPLY Organization"

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